Hello Members! 
I have attached the STAN Meeting Agenda for tomorrow's board meeting as well as the current contact information for the STAN representatives. In a quest to ensure the STAN Board is transparent, we’re doing our best to let you know what items the board is working on. We also hope that if you have anything concerning that isn’t listed, please reach out if you haven’t yet – many troop area level items are discussed in executive session to protect individual’s privacy.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Be safe,



P.S. This is the first email being sent out with our new email system. Please ask your fellow members to ensure it didn’t land in spam or junk mail. 😊 Thanks!!


Tara Johnson 

Director of Operations & Benefits 

State Law Enforcement Bargaining Council 


PO Box 6729 

Lincoln, NE 68506 

Phone: 402.489.2081 

Cell Phone: 402.440.8284 

Fax: 402.489.6093 




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